People who live with disabilities are considered to be very different to everyone else in this society. We often find it very difficult to voice our opinions, to share our thoughts and feelings without being judged for it. Blogging gives people like myself a platform, somewhere we can express ourselves. Nowadays most social media are accessible therefore it is easier create a stage where everyone can share their experiences and how they're feeling. The disability society is important because we are trying so hard to make others realise that we are human too, we have a voice and opinions that we want to be heard. We use this voice to be heard just like everyone else.
I started blogging purely because I wanted to start raising awareness about living with Cerebral Palsy and how it affected my daily life. Most bloggers write their posts on raising awareness of their disabilities and how it affects their daily lives. There was a real reason why I started blogging was because people in my hometown did not know anything about how it felt like living with Cerebral Palsy and there is a lot of misconception in this world we live in. Social Media has the power in today's world, blogs are becoming so popular in today's society and there are many people who wanting to share their stories. It is always great to see that disabled bloggers are as important because we are all passionate about tackling all these misconception and we are all doing our best to make people realise that we deserve the same equality and inclusion as anyone else in society.
Disabled bloggers are outstanding job on educating others on the subjects and they do it in a fun and entertaining way! The ideas that us bloggers come up with are unique and I think, the effort we are making deserve to reach a wider audience. Being in disability blogging society, I admire and love seeing so many people coming up with different ways to educate those around them. I remember when I first started blogging all my blog posts were about my disability, but we need to remember that we don't only blog about that. Becoming a freelance writer has taught me to write more about my hobbies and things which interest me rather than just my disability. Not all bloggers blog about their disabilities, to be honest! You can find disabled bloggers who blog about Beauty, Fashion, food & many more!
On a side note, let's be real here. Disabilities are often considered to be something that docks out someone certain of ability and some seem to think that all that person's abilities are instantly taken away with it. The disability blogging society should be considered as important because so many of us are striving and working hard to prove that there are no discriminating and isolating when it comes to any type of disabilities.. We push ourselves to show that we have our abilities, talents, dreams and ambitions and we only want people to see it. We have the power to prove we can make everyday tasks accessible to us, that we have the abilities to do whatever our minds are set up to do! We are trying to make people see the ability in disability! Blogging might give us the voices and the power but sometimes it's not always heard and we are hoping for change!
Follow my socials for upcoming blogs and much more!
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