Not many people are aware that I unfortunately live with minors of chronic pain during some days due to living with Cerebral Palsy.  Although my CP is not as server as it used to be. I still develop a lot of pains  especially on my lower back and sometimes due to anxiety my whole body starts to ache and I become so numb,  there are some days where I forget to do the easiest tasks such as pulling my socks because I wake up feeling so numb and weak, it is unbelievable.

It All Starts With You: 11 Radical Self Love Quotes - The Health ...

I always mention that I have my days, there are some days where I am pain free and I feel completely free,  but they are days where I feel trapped and isolated.  There are days where I can do everything by myself and there are days where I require some assistance!  I was always that type of person who would not ask for help due to self embarrassment,  I never wanted to people to know they were days where I required  a bit of assistance but as I got older, I have learned that we all need some help in the days where we feel weak,

Chronic pains, CP and anxiety are a lot to take in for me, to be honest, as not many people understand how hard it is,  sometimes my weeks or even months can be like.  I always have described them to be like HELL!  Although there are a lot of negativity about living like this, I always like to look at the silver lining because, although things might be hard for me sometimes and there are days where I wish it could all go away, all of it!  There are a lot of positivity about it all and my first one has to be being able to stay in bed all day without feeling guilty about it because it makes me feel so good at the end of the day!  Even at work, I am able to sit outside for some fresh air and I have this special back rest to keep my back away from pain (I miss it) Generally, there are positive and negative measures in this situation, but I think we just have to look at the positive measures and thank God for giving us what he has given us and move on with our lives by pushing forward no matter what!

So I will be sharing with you all some tips that HELP ME and I hope they help you too!

  1.  Meditation -  I always find this useful especially after having a long bad day. Deep breathing is a technique that helps your body relax, it takes off a lot of tension and tightness in your muscles.
  2. Reduce stress from your life - Something that is so easy to say but, so hard to actually do!  There a few techniques that can help you reduce stress such as listening to calm music, podcasts etc I highly recommend downloading the APP on your IPhone!
  3. Track your pain levels and activities every day - I tend to keep a journal to track the 'daily pain scores' and I also mention the activities I have done on that day.  If you are like me and you rather take notes, journals etc on your phone then I recommend this APP  Much easier to use than an actual physical journal.
  4. Get a massage - You don't have to go to the SPA or anything,  you can get someone to do it with for you in your house. My mum normally does it for me and it always feels so good..  But if you do prefer a SPA I recommend

  When we feel so much stress and pain we often forget to give ourselves the love and appreciation we need! Self care is not always about baths, face masks etc, I think we really forget what the actual meaning of self love is and here are some of my tips.

  1. Take some time out - Sometimes taking some time out for yourself are not described as you being selfish.  Taking some out to breathe in and out, calm your mind and clear your thoughts and just be you.
  2. Be patient but persistent - Self love is ever long. It's something that needs to be practiced however it can take a lifetime to master. Always try to be more kinder to yourself and support yourself through the hard times,
  3. Be more mindful of what you think and feel and want - Live your life in ways that truly reflect this.
  4. Learn to say NO! -  Sometimes saying no doesn't make us bad people, it makes us smart people.
  5. Switch off from everything - Grab your favourite and your favourite book,  just sit there and read.  Reading helps us build so much knowledge and creativity!


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