My Jubilee Sailing Trust Experience | Life Changing | Lord Nelson | Gibraltar to Las Palmas

I am alive... I did not die in sea but at one point, I  felt like I was slowly dying.  I think I have used all the sea sick bags the ships provided.

We sailed from Gibraltar to Majorca for 6 days without seeing land,  we reached Majorca on Saturday 2nd December at 11 am.

The purpose of this trip is ''to promote the integration of people with all physical abilities through the challenge and adventure of sailing tall ships on the open sea''  During the trip I personally have done and learnt things which I never imagined of both doing and learning, JST teaches you more than just being a crew on a ship,  it also teaches you equality, sharing and celebrate the individual differences by working together to achieve great things.

This is when we had to pull ropes to bring out the sails without having to use the engine to keep us going. I never thought I could manage pulling but it was all about teamwork which improved my strength. 

 I was once told, ''you cannot drive a car!'' well that's ok because I have steered a ship without being told I could not. This is Ali giving me instructional because I had to follow a compass and a time watch which told us how fast the ship was going.  Again, this is something which I never thought I would do nor had it in mind but it is something I will never forget.

 Once we reached ''Las Palmas'' I wanted to try assistant climbing on the mast.  It was one of the scariest and emotional thing I have done on the ship, obviously I was wearing climbing gear and Rowan was there to guide me but I had the image of falling in the sea and no one could rescue me (so dramatic) But after my little cry,  I breathed in and out, told myself ''#manarcandoit'' and just went for it.  As I was climbing I told myself ''I cannot believe I am doing this!''' I was so proud of myself and I could see people cheering me on because they believed in me when I did not know believe in myself but I am proud of myself and I could say that was the most emotional thing during the trip.

 During our time on the ship, there was this task which was called ''Happy Hour'' and no that does not mean drinking.  It means scrubbing the deck, polishing and helping out at the kitchen.  Every day there will be people from different groups helping at the kitchen and servicing the food to the crew. We did things like setting up the tables, preparing the food, washing up and drying the dishes.

During my trip I have learned that everything was possible no matter what your ability is,  you can do a lot of things which you set your mind too.  Nothing in life is scary, so don't live in fear. I was also taught that teamwork was something so incredible, everyone bonded and help each other out which was amazing.  I have gained so much self confidence,  self care and my minded has opened.  I no longer live in that small bubble where I fear on doing things.
